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Chong EM

"Overall the therapy for the neck pain - gave me a lot of relief (felt less pain after the 1st session). After the 4th treatment, the lower back pain was gone. Until now, I no longer feel pain at the neck, shoulder and lower back, especially when I bend and walk."


Catherine T

"Both Chris and Syu gave me 110% attention, encouragement and assurances. Love the service here. "


Leong MJ

"The team of therapists are highly trained and are very supportive. They are attentive to customers’ needs. Highly recommend for seeking their professional service."



" Syu has very special touch that makes her massage and treatment very effective. She is the best therapist I have met so far compared to other therapists in other places. "



" Mdm Ng had suffered a stroke around 2 years ago, leaving her to be a paraplegic on the left side of her body, with slurred speech. She was unable to stand properly as both her legs are very weak, in addition to poor coordination. With the assistance from her husband, she came to seek Hi-Bliss treatment. Mdm. Ng has experienced vast improvement in terms of her speech (she can now speak clearer), muscles at both legs have strengthen up to 50% and no more pain at her hands and legs. "


Emelee L

” 平时身体很好的我,突然右脚踝部位坐骨神经痛。治疗后,我的坐骨神经痛没有了。这对我来说是一个巨大的安慰,因为当疼痛袭来时,我感觉很舒服无助,没有心情,也没有做任何事的欲望。

Michelle is my therapist. She has been very patient, caring and helpful. She guided me through a series of stretching and customised exercises after each Hydrogen therapy treatment which has really helped me to deal with my lower lumber that caused the sciatic. In my own experience, Hydrogen treatment coupled with Michelle's guiding exercises has really helped me recover. "


Lee AG

" I have been having pain at both his legs for the past 3 - 4 years. I could not walk far nor fast due to the pain.

I am a Diabetic and have High Cholesterol plus issues with my Blood Pressure. Besides that, for the past 20 years, my sleep is constantly disrupted as I have to wake up frequently at night to urinate (at least 4 times per night). After under-going just 3 treatments, I can now walk further and smoother and even my frequency of urination has reduced from 4 times per night to 2 times per night.

Overall, the treatment feels good and comfortable. "




我们的治疗程序是在受伤的眼睛上喷氢气 45 分钟。在对受伤的眼睛进行 45 分钟的治疗后,眼睛上的“沙沙”感消失了,瘀伤也减少了。客户又继续治疗 8 次。


Harmit K

" When I came to this centre I had terrible shoulder pain and Fibromyalgia. My pain has 95% left me and now I only come for maintenance and wellness. The stress buster treatment actually improved my eyesight.

I just love this treatment. It relaxes me and I feel energized especially while walking."


Nicole L

" Overall very satisfying treatment. Less pain on problem area, before the treatment, I couldn’t even sit for 5 minutes without pain, I couldn’t even sit straight but now I can sit straight for hours without feeling the pain."


Steven C

Steven was having blister at the bottom area of his right eye. The blister was itchy with mild redness and this was causing discomfort to him as he had to resist from scratching and rubbing the blister. After the 1st treatment, the itchiness and redness reduced. After under-going just 4 treatments, the itchiness and redness together with the scars had disappeared.


Chloe C

Ms Chloe has been suffering from Eczema for more than 20 years (since primary school). She was only applying cream to ease the itchiness and redness. We had treated the eczema spot on her forehead and after 15 minutes of Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Therapy, there was a noticeable improvement to the redness and the discoloration on the skin around the area (both had reduced).


Constance C

Elisa K

Lee KY

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 [Registration No.: 201601030321 (1201262-M)]
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