  • qk
  • 肌肉与关节 (71)
  • 回春 (43)
  • 皮肤健康 (27)
  • 骨关节炎 (26)
  • 视频推荐 (14)
  • 缓解压力 (12)
  • 产后护理 (9)
  • 眼部保养 (8)
  • Detox (1)

Francissca T

"After the therapy with Hi-Bliss, it's such a relief because my back pain problem getting better and no more pain. It relieves 80% of my back pain."


Joyce L

" I have suffered this pain and stiffness around my thumb and wrist area for more than 6 months and the pain was excruciating when I was overseas due to cold weather. I was looking for a solution to clear the pain and stiffness as it was bothering me.

After the 1st treatment, I experienced an immediate relief and the pain subsided. Stiffness around my thumb area reduced considerably. With another 3 treatments, I must admit that the pain has subsided a lot and the stiffness is relieved.



Harold K

" When I came into Hi-Bliss center, my left arm & back (left shoulder blade) was very painful especially at night when I sleep. My left arm & shoulder were so painful till I could wake up at times in the middle of my sleep. After my 3rd Hi-Bliss treatment, my back & left arm reduced to 3/10 from 7/10 pain level.

My neck pain has been on/off occurring since >10 years already. Whenever I did not sleep on the right position on my pillow or travelling in plane/bus, my neck will be very painful and most of the time, the pain will cause migraine. I have to resolve the pain with painkiller. Last night, I didn't sleep well on my pillow but the pain went off when I woke up in the morning. Hi-Bliss really works."


Mohd Zin M

"My 1st experience. My shoulder pain is much much better, 95 % cured. Lower back pain has improved a lot about 80% cured. Yes, I won't hesitate to recommend to family and friends to do this treatment."


Lawrence N

"Yesterday 28/07/2016, I came for the 1st time for treatment. I have been suffering excruciating pain at the back of my collar bone muscles. I literally couldn't breathe while sleeping and neither could I lift my left hand due to the radiating pain throughout my body. But, thank god, Ms Jayse introduced me Hi-Bliss, within minutes from 100% pain to just a mere 5% pain."


Madam Seow

"I have been suffering from dry eyes & epiphora for the past 2 years. After 4 sessions of Hi-Bliss treatment, I felt a significant improvement in my condition. I would like to express my gratitude to Miss May Tan for her professionalism & dedication as well as to Hi-BlissTM for bringing this amazing benefit to me."


James K

我们的客户 James 患肩周炎大约一年了。他曾尝试过物理治疗和锻炼,但他的疼痛等级仍保持在 8 - 9(10 = 最剧烈的疼痛;1 = 最轻微的疼痛),这使他无法继续进行锻炼和物理治疗。

当他了解到 Hi-Bliss Pain Relief Treatment 后,他感到很惊讶 只需30分钟 治疗后,他的疼痛等级从 8 - 9 降到 2 - 3。在整个治疗过程中,他感到很放松,一点也不痛!



Lee SC

Mr. Lee SC 在得知他的朋友接受了 Hi-Bliss 疗法后,到 Hi-Bliss 中心寻求治疗。当他第一次接触 Hi-Bliss 时,他正遭受着 3 个与健康相关的问题:-

1. 糖尿病 – 血糖水平从 7 降至 4.6 mmol/L 他患有糖尿病。他的血糖水平曾一度达到 10 毫摩尔/升,仅在服药数月后,该水平才降至 7 毫摩尔/升。经过3个月的Hi-Bliss Detox & Wellness Treatment,他的血糖水平从7降至4.6 mmol/L(健康水平为4.0-6.0 mmol/L),没有任何药物治疗!他现在已经停药,血糖水平也完全得到控制。

2. 肩痛~ 摔了一跤,伤了肩膀,痛了一年。整整一年,他都在寻求中国跌打治疗,但未能解决他的问题。令他大吃一惊的是,仅仅一次 30 分钟的 Hi-Bliss Pain Relief 疗程后,他的肩痛就消失了!更好的是,疼痛再也没有回来!

3. 左腿残疾 - 另一个困扰他的问题是早前的一次事故导致左腿持续疼痛。这种疼痛是如此剧烈,以至于他不得不使用轮椅。每当他尝试走路时,他最多只能站1分钟!在接受 Hi-Bliss 治疗后,他的肩痛痊愈后,他毫不犹豫地尝试用同样的方法治疗腿痛。结果是巨大的——他现在可以站立 10 分钟……比他以前的状况提高了 10 倍!!!

他现在确实是一个非常满意和快乐的客户,这一切都感谢 Hi-Bliss!


Ithnin M

我们的客户 Mr. Ithnin M 患有运动神经元病 (MND) 已有 2 年之久,在此期间他的肌肉萎缩。

然而,当他接触到 Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Treatment 后,他经历了以下显着改善:-
* 颈部肿胀 - 大大减少,现在可以轻松地左右转动头部。
* 痰 - 减少了很多,使他晚上睡得更好。
*食欲 - 增加
* 重量 - 从 52 公斤增加到 59 公斤
* 更有活力

他和他的妻子对 Hi-Bliss 疗法可以为他做的事情感到非常满意。虽然医生说运动神经元病无药可医,但在喜福似乎正在发生一个小小的奇迹!!!


Seow W.K

我们的客户 Seow先生 患有C型肝炎及肝衰竭的问题。他的医生告诉他因他2/3的肝已经硬化,其余的1/3已肿胀及发炎,也许时日无多了。

After 3 months of undergoing Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Therapy, the doctor was surprised at his tremendous improvement:-
* No more inflammation and swelling of his liver
* Hardened parts of his liver showed signs of activity
* Rapid heartbeat at rest dropped from 120 bpm to 90 bpm
* Blood pressure dropped from 140 to 120/80
* 更有活力,睡得更安稳,情况更稳定


Teresa W

Teresa Wong女士因汞中毒导致严重皮肤过敏长达30年。她试过很多中西医治和药物,但都不能解决问题的根源。过敏引发了严重的瘙痒,导致她全身出现抓痕。一个小伤口需要 1-2 年才能愈合,留下深色疤痕。她晚上也睡不好觉。

在接受 Hi-Bliss 氢疗 2 个月后,她经历了显着改善:-



Madam Teh

"我有先天性糖尿病二十多年了。我在6/5/2017 起床后,右脚觉得好重,右脚必须拖着走路时很害怕,好担心。经过朋友的介绍我来到 Hi-Bliss 的治疗所治疗了三天。右脚重的感觉减轻,像如常走路似的,只不过力气还没完全恢复。现在上下楼梯可以一步一阶级,不需要任何拐杖的帮助了。


之前上厕所排尿不多, 现在排尿次数虽然一样但是量增加。之前也没什么胃口,现在胃口也改善。我还在进行治疗中,希望有更大的改善。“


Anna L

"I was initially quite skeptical but decided to give it a try. After just one treatment, the pain on my lower back was much better. I was quite surprised at its effectiveness."



"Back muscle relief after one treatment which caused me constantly stiffness and tired."


Loo SP

"I had shingles since January 2017. I went to a doctor who put me on a course of antibiotics and medicine for my condition. The open wound did not heal and it was bleeding on and off. I thought of going for surgical treatment for it.

My sister, Marilyn introduced me to Hi-Bliss at an exhibition in Starling. I had Hydrogen therapy for 15 minutes and the open wound was closed."

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