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Part I: Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a group of painful and degenerative conditions marked by inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness and pain. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, gets worse with age and is caused by wear and tear over the years. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the immune system attacking the joints as if they were foreign tissues. Because of this, rheumatoid arthritis is classified as an autoimmune disease.

Arthritis is commonly treated with anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers. However, some medications causes side effects, and a natural approach to pain relief is becoming more popular. An estimated 46 million people suffer from the aches and pains of arthritis on a daily basis – and it looks like things are only going to get worse.  The CDC is estimating that by the year 2030, more than 67 million people are going to be diagnosed with this painful condition.

For those who are suffering now, relief is here.

Part II: Natural ways to get Arthritis Pain Relief  

Try Hot And Cold

You may already utilize hot and cold techniques when you are in pain, but when it comes to arthritis pain, there's nothing that works more quickly or more efficiently than applying different temperatures to the afflicted joints.

The idea behind these two relief techniques is that when you apply heat to an affected area, it can help the muscles and other connective tissue to relax and to release tension. This also reduces the blood flow to the area as your body does not need to warm that body any more with excessive blood circulation.

On the other hand, when you apply cold to an area, you are helping to numb the pain and the aches of that part of your body.  And since you are cooling that part of your body, it actually increases the blood flow to the area as your body responds to an upset in the normal temperature. 

Massage Away Your Stiffness And Pain

Most people don't need to be told twice to go get a massage, so if you've been debating it for your arthritis pain, now's as good a time as any to get on a massage therapist's table.

Massage involves the manipulation of the muscles and connective tissues of the body.  With direct pressure and movement of these areas, the patient's body can relax and they can release pain. Acupressure, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology are some of the popular massages.

Relaxation Techniques To Soothe Body And Mind Pain

A stiff body is often a sign of a 'stiff' mind, it's thought. When we have stressful thoughts and ideas, we can often project this stress into our bodies in the form of muscle tension – not good for those who have troubles with arthritis.

To help release your mind's anxiety and your body's tension, it can help to have a few relaxation techniques on hand for instant relief. Try Meditation or Deep Belly Breathing to help relax you body and mind.

Get Moving

While it seems contradictory to move around more when you're in pain, this is one of the best ways to free your body from pain. When you try to stay still during a bout of arthritis pain, you should get moving as it will increase blood circulation (and bring warmth to the various parts of your body), prevents your muscles from stiffening and weakening or simply to distract yourself away from the pain.

Stretch Away The Pain

The surrounding muscles of the tight and aching joints of your body are often more tense than you may realize. But when you are having arthritis pain, that tightness and that stiffness is that last thing you need to have present. You need to loosen things up a bit by taking the time to stretch. Stretching is something anyone can do anywhere, anytime, and the more you do it, the more benefits you will feel.

Stretching will:
• Improve your flexibility
• Improve your balanced
• Soothe stiffness and tightness
• Help to prevent pain from arthritis

Stretch Away The Pain

Your weight can make a big impact on the amount of pain you experience from arthritis. Extra weight puts more pressure on your joints — especially your knees, hips, and feet.

Reducing the stress on your joints by losing weight will improve your mobility, decrease pain, and prevent future damage to your joints.

Find Your Internal Optimist

The idea that you simply need to change your attitude is probably not the first thing you think of when your joints begin to ache.  After all, arthritis is painful, very painful, so what else can you do but complain about it?

However, each time you complain, you can be doing several things to your body:

Yes, an optimistic attitude CAN help your arthritis pain.

Drive Yourself To Distraction

When you have arthritis pain, there are a number of different things you can do in order to alleviate said pain.  But one of the most effective methods of relieving pain is simply distracting yourself.

The mind is a powerful healing tool, one which many of us forget to use when our bodies are stiff and our joints are achy.  While the brain can become hyper-focused on pain, it can be just as easily led to think about not being in pain.


No matter what arthritis treatment you choose, you have many more options than even your doctor may have realized.  And with these options comes the power to take charge of your own health and your own pain management process.

While each patient is different, there is a treatment plan for everyone.  By using some of these pain relief possibilities, you can experience a life that's less limited and more enjoyable.

Arthritis may be seen as just a condition of getting older, but it doesn't need to be something that stands in the way of your life and of your ability to live your life.

You do have choices – so why not start testing a few out to see what works best for you? 

Learn more how Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Therapy and our Osteoarthritis Program can help relief the pain here : https://wordpress-851564-2937612.cloudwaysapps.com/treatment-services-osteoarthritis-therapy/

If you experience:

It’s time to seek help. It is important not to suffer in silence thinking it’s a natural part of the aging process.

If the pain lasts more than 2 weeks, also seek medical attention. The best outcomes for any medical condition will usually be when they are caught early.

The goal will be to help you become as pain-free as possible.

Then of course, there is you. You know your own back and body best, so you are in the best position to do what needs to be done to maintain a healthy back and prevent injuries from happening in the first place if at all possible.

If you do have a sore back, being proactive and following the treatment guidelines given by each practitioner, such as exercises, can help you recover more quickly and hopefully with no lasting damage to your back.

Natural treatments to help reduce back pain

There are a number of natural remedies for back pain. The good news is that many of them are inexpensive. Their effectiveness will depend on the location and cause of the pain, but these should in general work for the upper, middle and lower back.


Hi-Bliss Hydrogen Therapy utilizes Molecular Hydrogen, a very powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties to help ease the everyday aches and pains. Our Pain Relief Therapy is accompanied by Manipulation and Exercises (to strengthen and stretch the muscles) conducted by our certified physiotherapist.  

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, sciaticpain, sciatica
backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, sciaticpain, sciatica


Back pain will be classified as upper, middle and lower. It also important to identify or indicate whether the pain is on the left or the right. This can give a clue as to which of the many causes of back pain might be contributing to the issue.

The causes of back pain can be broadly classified as relating to:

Three common classifications of back pain include:

Axial pain

This is also referred to as mechanical pain, and is usually the result of a muscle sprain or strain. It can be dull or sharp.

Referred pain

Referred pain moves around from location to location. It is associated with age-related changes to the spine and can be described as dull and achy.

Radicular pain

This is nerve pain that will often radiate outwards along the path of the affected nerve and can cause the arm or leg to become numb or weak. The pain is described as searing. This pain can result from a number of different causes, including:

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, osteoarthritis, sciatica

Sciatica(SIGH-attic-ah) is the most common form of radicular pain. The main causes of sciatica are:

a herniated disc-a disc that has rupture and might be pressing on the nervedegenerative disc disease, that is, the results of an aging spinespinal stenosis-that is, narrowing of the spinespondylolisthesis-one of the vertebrae slips forward onto the bone below it, causing the nerve to become compressed or pinched

Sciatic pain can generate from the back down to the hip and thigh. In some cases, it might even go as far down as the big toe. Diagnostic imaging will be important to determine the condition of the spine and the placement of the discs.

Certain sciatica symptoms can indicate an emergency and require immediate medical care. These include, but are not limited to:

These could be signs of cauda equina syndrome, a rare condition marked by extreme pressure and swelling of the nerves at the end of the spinal cord.

Infection or spinal tumors can also cause sciatic pain, so it is important not to suffer in silence thinking it’s a natural part of the aging process.


Another cause of lower back pain is lordosis, an abnormal inward curvature of the spine. It is commonly referred to as a sway back. It can be caused by age, or by poor posture. Treatment usually involves physical therapy, although in severe cases surgery, casting, and/or bracing may be required to restore the proper curve of the spine and ease any pain caused by it.

While it is true that the lower back is the most common area to experience pain, the upper back can be painful for musculoskeletal reasons, often connected with shoulder pain. This part of the spine is not as mobile and flexible as the lower part of the spine, but it can be injured in accidents.

Dowager's hump

Dowager’s hump, or kyphosis, is an abnormal outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae of the upper back. Think of it as the opposite of lordosis. It is often the result of osteoporosis, or thinning of the bone. The spine bends and leads to a hump-like appearance. It is often seen in older women, who are much more prone to osteoporosis, hence the name. Osteoporosis is preventable, so the hump can be corrected in many cases.

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, osteoarthritis, sciatica

Scoliosis (SKOL-ee-OH-siss) can affect any part of the back. It causes an abnormal curve of the spine from side to side. People with scoliosis have a spine that can curve from one side or the other, to the point where their spine starts to resemble a letter C or a letter S.

Scoliosis is about two times more common in women than in men. It can start at any age, though it is usually most common in those over 10. It is hereditary, with it running in families.

The severity of the curve/s and their locations can produce a range of symptoms. Treatment can vary from spinal manipulation and bracing to surgery.

Upper and middle back pain

The 12 thoracic vertebrae that make up the upper and middle back are all very closely connected with one another, and with your ribs. That being the case, middle and upper back pain can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, osteoarthritis, sciatica

The spine shrinks and compresses with age, in part because the discs that cushion cushions the small facet joints in the spine start to break down. Taking care of your cartilage is key to maintaining your discs. Other than supplements and vitamins, proper hydration of the body is the easiest way to take care of your cartilage.


Anyone who has ever suffered the misery of back pain knows how urgent it is to get relief. Once you are free from the pain, most people will learn as much as they can about their sore back to try to prevent back problems from arising again.

One thing is for sure, the pain in a memorable one, and the majority of people will experience it at some point in their lives.

Back pain can vary from person to person, type to type, and region to region, such as the upper, middle and lower back. It can be a dull, constant ache or sudden sharp pain like a dagger that makes it almost too painful to move. It can start quickly if you fall, get a sports injury, or lift something too heavy. Or it might worsen over time, getting progressively worse.

What is back pain and how common is it?

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, sciatica

Back pain can occur for a range of reasons that are either structural, musculoskeletal, nerve-based, or a sign of an underlying disorder. Most back pain is structural or musculoskeletal and the nerves can be affected by changes in the structure of the spine.

The spine is a complex system of interlocking bones and joints called vertebrae. The spinal column extends from the base of our skull all the way down to the tailbone at our pelvis, the coccyx. The many vertebrae that make up the spine are labeled in terms of area, and each is given a number so that all doctors know which they are referring to if there are any issues with the back that need to be dealt with.

Most people experience lower back pain. Up to 80% of the population will have it at least once in their lives.

It tends to occur in older people and can increase with age, but of course anyone can get back pain due to injury. The prevalence varies with gender. Women are more likely to have lower back pain, a prolapsed or slipped disc, and sciatica, that is, pain in the sciatic nerves that run from the back down to the lower leg.

What are the main causes of back pain?

backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, sciatica
backpain, pain, lowerbackpain, hydrogen, hydrogentherapy, painrelief, sciatica

Injury is the most common cause of back pain. It is often related to picking up things in such a way as to harm the spine, its nerves, or the muscles around it. For example, many people trying to lift a heavy object with bend over it with their arms straight and try to pull it towards their chest. This strains the muscles, especially in the lower back.

Anyone can have back pain, but some things that can increase your risk include:

Back pain is more common in people who are not fit. A solid core will strengthen the back as well.

Carrying extra pounds, especially around the middle, can stress the back and cause pain. It is also usually a sign of a flabby core, and flabby muscles are weak and more prone to injury.

Some causes of back pain can have a genetic component and run in families.

Some types of arthritis and cancer can cause back pain. Osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones, can also result in hairline fractures, bone spurs and other structural changes that can cause back pain.

Smokers with bone injuries heal around twice as slowly as non-smokers. One of the reasons may be that they do not circulate enough nutrients in the body to be able to heal bones and support good back health. As they age, their bones can become so brittle that smoker’s cough can trigger back pain and even injury.

If you have to lift, push, or pull often in your job, you are more at risk for injury. Many companies offer their workers braces to support the spine, but they need to be worn correctly in order to do any good.

If you sit at a desk all day and do not sit up straight, you may also get back pain. This will most commonly be in the lower part of the back, since this takes so much pressure and weight when you are sitting, but it can also occur in the neck, shoulders and middle of the back as well.

Lower back pain is one of the most common causes of pain, poor quality of life and lost productivity in the workplace. Chronic back pain can affect every area of your life, including work, sleep, sex, caring for your children, and more.

Fortunately, there are a range of ways to prevent back issues, and to treat them if they do arise. These include natural remedies, medications, and in extreme cases, surgery. The treatments will depend on the cause of the pain.

Sometimes the cause is very obvious, such as an injury. In other cases, the pain is real, but might require a process of elimination to determine where it is coming from and why.

Let’s look at different kinds of back pain in the next blog.


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